The 20-year-old company to go IPO soon to accelerate the global expansion
Odine becomes the only Turkish company in the top 20 Telco Vendors Power List published by London-based Capacity Media, one of the most influential publishers in the telecom industry. Here’s what Odine does: the company focuses on eliminating physical server dependency and increasing operational efficiency by providing network virtualization services to telecom operators.
Alper Tunga Burak, CEO at Odine, said they have been offering network software and telecom engineering solutions to local and international telecommunication companies since 2000, adding that they aim to become a global technology company in this period when telecommunication infrastructures are rapidly transforming into the cloud.
Running telco cloud: the Turkcell example
“With the model we have built, we provide all international telecom operators with the necessary infrastructure hardware, storage service and network environment to continue their operations through our own cloud environment. Thus, operators have a sustainable infrastructure without purchasing, managing or maintaining equipment,” emphasized Burak. As an example, Burak mentioned Turkcell, Turkiye’s #1 telco by subscriber numbers, and Odine virtualized the infrastructure of Turkcell, building a telco cloud, serving around 40 million customers.(By the way, I have different example from Siemens and how the company used cloud tech to make smarter the Dubai Expo 2020, click here to read the story)

Underlining that the transformation of the telecommunications industry from traditional systems to cloud and software-based systems is accelerating due to providing a serious cost advantage, Alper Tunga Burak said telecommunications cloud market will grow by 23.1 percent compound annual growth until 2027, According to the Markets and Markets Telecom Cloud Market report.
Exporting services globally
Emphasizing that they are already a global player with their voice network solutions, “We operate in a wide geographical area such as New Zealand, Indonesia, Switzerland, the UK and the Netherlands. Our voice network solutions are extremely flexible and feature technology that can be applied remotely to any location,” said Burak.
Odine goes IPO
On the other hand, Odine applied to the Capital Markets Board (CMB), Türkiye’s capital markets regulator, to go public in recent months in order to accelerate their growth plans abroad. The IPO process will be carried out by Türkiye Sınai Kalkınma Bankası (TSKB) and Yatırım Finansman. Alper Tunga Burak said that more than half of the IPO money will be used in foreign investments within the scope of expanding global operations.